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Science in the Great Lakes (SiGL) Database Archive


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Myers, E.S., 2023, Science in the Great Lakes (SiGL) Database Archive: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


In the Great Lakes basin, there are numerous organizations undertaking scientific monitoring and research efforts with the goal of identifying threats and evaluating management strategies that will protect and restore the Great Lakes ecosystem. Coordination among all these stakeholders is a challenge, and having a centralized location where researchers and managers can identify relevant scientific activities and access fundamental information about these activities is crucial for efficient management. The Science in the Great Lakes (SiGL) Mapper was a map-based discovery tool that spatially displayed basin-wide multidisciplinary monitoring and research activities conducted by both USGS and partners from all five Great Lakes. It was [...]


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sigl_archive_final.sql 6.6 MB application/x-sql
README.txt 2.4 KB text/plain
sigl_ERD_final.pdf 98.42 KB application/pdf


The USGS developed the Science in the Great Lakes (SiGL) Mapper, a data-discovery tool that captured information about a wide range of scientific activities and provided details on how to access associated data and products. SiGL helped researchers and managers strategically plan, implement, and analyze monitoring and restoration activities by providing easy access to current and historical project metadata, connecting them with project leads and data repositories, and assisting in the identification of spatial and topical gaps in previous and ongoing monitoring efforts. This metadata archive serves as the repository of SiGL metadata gathered during the project. Users of this archive must understand that SiGL metadata were provided on a voluntary basis by project contacts and stakeholders. Users should consider this data release if interested in revisiting or recreating SiGL metadata collected during the project's active years.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9UESHT5

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